Marlin Steel Blog

The latest manufacturing trends and news for wire baskets, wire forming, wire racks, carts, metal bracket, sheet metal, and more.

Can you be for both sustainability and less regulation? Absolutely

Marlin Steel President Drew Greenblatt at MIT Sloan School of Management graduate class (Photo credit: Phela Imani Townsend) The MBA student had a pointed question for me when I spoke before a class at

What I am Telling Congress Today about Regulations and How they Stifle Small Business

I am testifying this morning on the impact of regulation on small business and manufacturing on behalf of the

America Makes, the World Breathes

Alexandria Liu and friend horseback riding in Beijing We

"60 Minutes" Story on Robots: A Malfunction

CBS' "60 Minutes" : March of the Machines The bias in CBS' "60 Minutes" segment on robots Sunday night was evident from the opening illustration of robot fingers shredding a “HELP WANTED” sign, in case you wondered if