With the recent Memorial Day weekend now over, those of us here at Marlin Steel thought that now is the perfect time to reflect on the service and sacrifice of the brave men and women who serve our country overseas. These remarkable individuals give up the comforts of hearth and home to protect our freedoms by serving abroad, risking their very lives so that the rest of us do not have to. Their service to our country is something that should be honored and appreciated by all of us every day, not just on one or two special occasions.
This veneration goes double for our veterans who have successfully come home from their tours of duty. However, many veterans who come home have a difficult time finding new employment after life in the military. For example, did you know that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of April 2014, the official unemployment rate among Gulf War II-era veterans was 7.7 percent, which is nearly 1.4 times the non-veteran unemployment rate during that same period of time?
To combat this problem, our company is dedicated to supporting veterans. As a matter of fact, over 10 percent of our workforce are veterans. We hire them because as former members of the U.S. military, they have the dedication and know-how to see a job through. More than that, we are proud to be able to call these men and women co-workers and friends.
To help raise awareness of just how remarkable these people are, we’re encouraging everyone to read about America’s bravest in the new book Valor: Unsung Heroes from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, by Mark Lee Greenblatt. This book highlights the stories of several veterans from theatres of service both at home and abroad who have gone far above and beyond the call of duty to make a difference.
From Buck Doyle, who dragged a wounded comrade to safety while being repeatedly hit with sniper fire himself to Ryan Welch, who flew through a death trap and carried two injured pilots across 100 yards of open field to evacuate them to safety, this book is filled with inspiring stories of dedication that goes beyond simple duty. Not only do you get to read about their heroic escapades, you get to learn about the lives of these courageous people after they have come home from their tours of duty.
You can get your own copy of Valor now from amazon.com in either hardback or on the Kindle e-reader device.
The men and women who serve our country and selflessly sacrifice their own safety and security so that we can sleep easy at night deserve to be recognized for their heroic actions. Yet, not every soldier who serves gets the recognition and respect that they have earned through their sweat, blood and tears. It is our hope that by promoting the stories of those who have served and continue to serve, we can help these invaluable men and women. At the very least, we want to make sure that our veterans can find work once their done serving their country.
We salute our servicemen and women, both at home and abroad, as they struggle to make the lives of every American safe, secure and free.
From everyone at Marlin Steel to all of our countrymen in the military:
Thank You.