What's More Important -- Quality or Speed?

March 13, 2013 | Stainless Steel Baskets, American Manufacturing

Inc magazine logoFrom Drew Greenblatt’s latest column in Inc. magazine on speed, quality and the importance of transparency in business:

Marlin Steel Quality Engineered QuickWe entertained an impressive group of MBA students recently from the Carey Business School at Johns Hopkins University here in Baltimore. They were bright and inquisitive. While they sat beneath a big sign emblazoned with our motto, “Quality Engineered Quick,” they posed a question I’d rarely been asked before: “What happens when the ambitions of ‘quality’ and ‘quick’ collide?” As many business owners know, it’s not an easy question. Read more ...


Marlin Steel President Drew Greenblatt discusses business with MBA students from Johns Hopkins University Marlin Steel President Drew Greenblatt discusses business with MBA students from Johns Hopkins University